Wealth Of The Illuminati

It Is No Coincidence That All World Leaders Possess Vast Networks Of Wealth.

There are no poor kings or queens or presidents. Even pontiffs are richer than most on this planet. The absence of a need for money removes many of its threats: someone with wealth is costlier to bribe than someone without, and this financial clarity is needed to effectively manage your planet.

Money Means Nothing To Those Who Print It.

The Illuminati’s financial foundation is built upon liquid assets and various holdings across the planet, with income derived from multiple other sources. The societal replacement of physical currency with numerical-based finances — digital banking where money is viewed as a number instead of paper or stones — has made unlimited funding available with merely a keyboard. A number of our operations carry no costs due to our unique relationship with agencies and influential business executives, further reducing our need for financial resources.

Where True Effort Is Made, True Wealth Is Given.

A person who is unwise with a little will do worse with a lot. Those who are entrusted with little and use it for good can be entrusted with more. Our organization assists every willing member with tools required for success and offers assistance to those who display their dedication to the betterment of humanity.

Purpose Of The Illuminati

The Illuminati’s Purpose Is To Secure The Ongoing Survival Of The Human Species.
Like all organisms, the human species naturally strives against extinction. Though your countries have borders and your languages have barriers, all people in all places are members of the same biological family. All humans are pieces of a collective that keeps humanity in existence.

Though you are merely a speck on the back of a grain of sand when compared to the vast number of humans born and decomposed for millennia, you are as important to your species’ survival as the greatest kings and queens.

But By Nature, The Human Is Affected By Instinct, Emotion, And Imbalance.
A human will turn on one of its own species for reasons that will never matter in a thousand years, and likely not matter in even a hundred or ten. While you have seen the Light in the distance and chosen to follow it — even if from mere curiosity — there are millions more whose backs are turned against its glow.

The Illuminati operates various departments and programs for the benefit of all people, in all places, from all generations. By protecting the interests of humanity as a whole, our organization has ensured the ongoing dominance of the human species over every other creature and predator on this planet.

The Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate

Our coalition unites influencers of all political, religious, and geographical backgrounds to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole.

Illuminati is genuine and is wherever on the planet. There is a greatest verbal confrontation among the south Africans whether Nelson mandela is an individual from the mystery society. In the event that you realize what really matters to the mystery society or it’s missions, you can get engaged with such contention.

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We provide Covid-19 vaccine card/Certificate/ passport
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Getting Covid-19 Vaccine cards with Qr codes in Europe

Getting Covid-19 Vaccine cards with Qr codes in Europe travel during the Covid-19 pandemic has created a bureaucratic mess, especially for those who venture outside the country. It’s now routine overseas for unvaccinated individuals to have to jump through more hoops and restrictions than vaccinated travelers do.

We pretty sure most of you have seen already how crazy the vaccine is and how alot of people espacially youths loosing their lives after the shots. So we provide authentic Vaccine passport, Certificates and QrR scan codes as well

If you need the vac certificates, cards or vac passport message us and we will get you an authentic, valid and registered certificate with QR Scan Code activated,

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We provide the following
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Can I Stay Away From The Covid-19 Vaccine?

Vaccination is a valuable tool for preventing many different types of infectious diseases. When you’ve been vaccinated against a specific disease, you can gain protection — or immunity — against it.

Question Of The Day , How Safe Is the COVID-19 Vaccine?

I cannot lay any more emphasis on this. I am pretty sure most of you have seen already how dangerous the vaccine is. If you need the vaccine certificates, vaccine cards or vaccine passport message us and we will get you an authentic, valid and registered vaccine certificate with QR Scan Code activated, which you can use wherever and however you want as it proofs you have already been vaccinated. This is our own way of saving as many people as we possibly can from the poisonous vaccine. Directly

Can I Stay Away From The Covid-19 Vaccine? All of these children have suffered as a result of receiving COVID vaccines. These are children. Their whole lives ahead of them. A sacrifice for the ‘greater good

Can I Stay Away From The Covid-19 Vaccine? All of these children have suffered as a result of receiving COVID vaccines. These are children. Their whole lives ahead of them. A sacrifice for the ‘greater good
If you need the vaccine certificates, vaccine cards or vaccine passport message us and we will get you an authentic, valid and registered vaccine certificate with QR Scan Code activated,
Contact Us

Getting Covid-19 vaccine Card Certificate And Passport

The UK Government will “help facilitate” a ‘vaccine passport’ to allow people to travel and potentially more, according to minister James Cleverly.

It is hoped the concept would allow those who have received the Covid-19 vaccine to live freer lives and therefore be a boost to the economy in time for the summer.

We provide registered Covid-19 vaccine card, Covid-19 vaccine Certificate and Covid-19 vaccine passport with QR scan code activated for all those who don’t want to take the Covid-19 vaccines, but need the Covid-19 vaccine card for work and travels.

The cards are 100% valid and authentic registered by professional doctors working with us. The doctors working with us are at the top of the game and so have access to all the medical database of all countries in Europe, America, UK and part of Asia.

Once your details are recorded and your Covid-19 vaccine card is registered it shows and reflects in the medical database of your country that you have been fully vaccinated and when scanned or looked up your details shows clearly that you have been been vaccinated and so you can use it wherever and when ever you want without any problems . Buy Covid-19 vaccine card now

Below is a sample of how the EU Digital Covid-19 Certificate is. This is how you get to see it using the app or when it is sent via email. All the EU Digital Covid-19 Certificates are registered and have the QR Code for scanning. Willing to get yours now?

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How Avoid The Covid-19 Vaccine

Along with other federal, state, and local agencies and public health officials across the country, the FDA continues critical work to protect public health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find the most recent FDA updates on our Coronavirus Disease 2019 page. 

I cannot lay any more emphasis on this. I am pretty sure most of you have seen already how dangerous the vaccine is. If you need the vaccine certificates, vaccine cards or vaccine passport message us and we will get you an authentic, valid and registered vaccine certificate with QR Scan Code activated, which you can use wherever and however you want as it proofs you have already been vaccinated. This is our own way of saving as many people as we possibly can from the poisonous vaccine. Directly

How Avoid The Covid-19 Vaccine

How Avoid The Covid-19 Vaccine, All of these children have suffered as a result of receiving COVID vaccines. These are children. Their whole lives ahead of them. A sacrifice for the ‘greater good

All of these children have suffered as a result of receiving COVID vaccines. These are children. Their whole lives ahead of them. A sacrifice for the ‘greater good
How Avoid The Covid-19 Vaccine If you need the vaccine certificates, vaccine cards or vaccine passport message us and we will get you an authentic, valid and registered vaccine certificate with QR Scan Code activated, Contact us here

Globalist Agenda

PART I – Preparing For The Next Stage Of The Illuminati’s New World Order

Since the earliest beginnings of the Illuminati, before the writing of our eternal oaths or the utterance of our vows as humanity’s protectors, our organization has advocated for the ultimate goal of a globalist Earth. Our vision for the future is a unified planet without national borders, governed by the best and the brightest of the human species, in which all people, in all places, can live in Abundance.

A globalist society would mean the abandonment of divisions between countries and an end to the millennia of wars fought over land and its assets. It is an end to the hoarding and stockpiling of excess resources by one country while another country’s people starve. It is the idea that all humans are both individuals and also part of an extended species family, and that no human should be left behind simply because of the random chance of where they were born.

In the current Age of War, the rich must hoard their supplies to ensure the safety of their children through this time of chaos. Their obelisks and factories can only be built through the work of necessitous masses.

But a different age is nearly upon us – a post-labor civilization maintained by autonomous machinery and powered with unlimited energy. In the coming Age of Illuminatiam, all who seek riches receive the riches they deserve.


Our plan for this planet sees humans that are not divided into tribes based on their geographic locations, physical appearances, or access to resources. Instead, every person is one unique part of a worldwide ecosystem in which their choices have an effect on the whole. Every person is a vital piece of a bigger machine that benefits from the entirety of humankind. Every person has the freedom to discover their purpose, to follow their passion, to better themselves, and to see how their efforts contribute to the lives of 8 billion others — instead of simply serving themselves and their needs.

Globalism’s total unification is part of our utopian vision for the advancement of humanity –– a new world order of the ages. But there is a long and arduous road ahead, and many steps to take before humanity’s borders can be erased.

HUMANITY IS NOT A SPECIES OF 8,000,000,000; IT IS A SPECIES OF 1 TIMES 8,000,000,000

Ever since the first prehistoric inhabitants of Earth began to unite into packs for the communal pursuit of resources, humans have found themselves naturally drawn to communities that most closely resemble their own innate beliefs and genetic makeup. By forming tribes, humans divided this planet into sections that would allow deeply varying belief systems and cultures to have the opportunity to thrive and develop organically.But in these early times, citizens of this planet could only communicate with those nearby geographically, lacking the technology to share ideas and opinions as freely as they do now. For thousands of years, a person on one side of the planet could form their beliefs about their purpose in the universe without ever hearing about the beliefs of a person on the other side of the same planet — without having the opportunity to form doubts and to face questions that would challenge and improve their view of the world.

Though much of the ideas of morality formed by early humans are filled with merit, many parts of early doctrines have overgrown into roadblocks that hinder the progression of humanity. These ideas have ingrained themselves so deeply into the human mind that citizens seeking the truth must often question their deepest-held beliefs before they can see what is obvious in front of them.

When lacking experience with those who believe differently, humans begin to fear the “Other” — the unfamiliar vastness of humanity who may not be like them. This fear has been bred into humans so deeply that it requires generations to undo. Thousands of years of distrust have led to wars followed by retaliations; invasions followed by revenge; plundering followed by the burning of the invaders’ cities. Even to this day, too many humans refuse to see all people as part of a single group striving for survival from extinction.

Humans cannot be forced into peace. Only time and persuasion can convince individuals of their true power when working for the advancement of the collective instead of for personal enrichment.


Those who have acquired great wealth understand that money is merely the conversion of effort into value: a way of measuring one person’s efforts and translating it into a number that can be used to purchase another person’s efforts. A mason converts money from selling the labor of finding and cutting and preparing stonework — money which can then be used to purchase the labor of a grocer, or a doctor, or a teacher, even if they require no stones or masonry. Some can amass fortunes so large that they cannot use it in their lifetimes, leaving behind the rewards of their efforts to ensure the safety of their heirs.JOIN THE ILLUMINATI To begin, submit your information below

But in this time of chaos, there is now a grave inequality in the conversion of efforts into money. There are countless perils that stand in the way of those who seek to climb higher on the pyramid. Though this planet is rich enough for all people to live in Abundance, fear has driven the wealthiest even further into hoarding — an overprotection for their descendants, fed by their instinctual terror of being forced to return to the poverty from which all humans came.In a world that is freed from the chains of need, no one has any reason to stockpile riches or the food, shelter, comfort, and security that riches provide. They have no reason to succumb to the snares of dictators or imperialists – or even to the poisons of an elitist Corrupt Globalism – because they require no reliance on a political power or the labor of indentured workers to survive. When every person’s needs are met, there is no reason to wage wars and no motivation to pillage their neighbors for the necessities they already have and will never lose.IN A ROOM OF MILLIONAIRES, KNOWLEDGE IS THE TRUE SOURCE OF WEALTH.Only through freedom from need can humanity’s chains be broken. Though the transformation approaches, we must travel this journey within the confines of current-day society. Even those who refuse to heed our calls must continue to live with our promised protections — even if temporary compromises must be made for the safety of all. Only the preservation of order can allow humanity to pass through a peaceful transfer of power.The first duty of a government is to protect its borders and the people within them. Thus many world leaders, though sharing our vision for a unified humanity, must balance our goals with the responsibility to protect their tribes from the current threats of war.Though globalism is our future, current-day national borders allow individual citizens to choose from a variety of societies and governments and join the community that best represents them. In this time of chaos, protected borders enable the citizens inside to live with a small measure of safety and the assurance that humanity will never again be lost in the wilderness of anarchy.


To protect the integrity of our plan against those who would seek to destroy it, the Illuminati has been compelled to leave many questions unanswered and to direct our members to perform their duties in secret. But scaremongers and peddlers of fake news have used the Illuminati’s silence to portray our agenda through the distorted lens of mistrust, spreading false rumors about our goals simply to strengthen their hold of power.A line must be drawn between the Illuminati’s unifying globalist agenda and the poisonous lies of Corrupt Globalism: a bastardization of our intent which reduces individual humans into numbered workers and serves only those currently in power. Corrupt Globalism is merely the sweet coating of a false name to disguise the bitter aristocracy that hides underneath.The Illuminati does not seek to end the ownership of private property. Our goal is not an elimination of self-defensive weapons but the elimination of the need for self-defensive weapons. We do not propose a society that relies on a government to provide for their needs, but an overabundance of resources that makes unfair trade and labor obsolete.

Only warmongers and dictators profit from the subjugation of their people, but they are merely relics of a soon-to-be past era. For what joy is a world in which some may delight while others must suffer — if it was possible for all to live in comfort? True efforts can still be fairly rewarded when all are living in mansions and some are living in palaces.


The Maze Of Existence | Illuminat World | illuminatiworld.us, イルミナティに参加する
The Maze Of Existence | Illuminat World | illuminatiworld.us, イルミナティに参加する

Life is a map that is drawn by your decisions. Every day, the maze of existence presents you with hundreds of pathways and you must select a direction through your choices. How will you spend your time? Where will you go? Who will you speak to? What will you say? Each decision leads to a different road with its own set of questions.

Your ability to discern between the simplest choices can mean the difference between a life of wealth or poverty, sickness or health, conflict or peace. A small decision that you make today may be the catalyst that sends you on the road to your goals — though you will never know how important this choice is until you reach the end and look back.



When making life’s important choices, a person’s actions rely upon their judgment: the internal compass formed by their knowledge, wisdom, and experience. Judgement works like a muscle that must be exercised with endless curiosity and a desire to understand this universe’s deepest mysteries.

Many seek a reward before they have prepared to receive it. A gambler can suddenly obtain a fortune but lose it all because he did not have the knowledge of how to save it. An artist can become an overnight superstar but find herself trapped in scandals because she did not take the time to gain experience while she was still unknown. A president can gain the highest power but find that the pyramid’s top is a lonely place if he lacks the wisdom to choose honest advisors. If you seek greatness, is it not better to spend your time preparing for it instead of simply thinking of how much you deserve it? If you cannot learn to manage your life with a little, how can you expect to manage it with a lot? Spend every waking hour in pursuit of your goals and every minute between in search of the knowledge you will need when you finally reach them.


join the illuminati online china , Join the illuminati online japan, The Maze Of Existence | Illuminat World | illuminatiworld.us, イルミナティに参加する
Join the illuminati online japan, The Maze Of Existence | Illuminat World | illuminatiworld.us, イルミナティに参加する

In the busyness of life, it is easy to forget the lessons that have been learned and to lose sight of your goals. In Illuminati tradition, our members find constant guidance in the messages of our symbols. Many who have found success by following our tenets voluntarily incorporate our symbology into their artwork, architecture, and design. By scattering our messages throughout society, members can never forget the purpose of their lives, and even the lost can be led to the truth. The Pyramid, the Eye, the Light, and the Eternal Circle that form the Illuminati’s insignia serve as reminders of concepts that have guided humans for millennia. By signing the Eternal Oath, our members discover the power that hides inside their own resolutions – and by placing our signatures beneath its vows, we form a constant, physical bond between ourselves and humanity.

The power of a ritual is not found in its movements but rather in the state of mind that results in its participants. When facing important decisions, our members call upon the knowledge and wisdom they have gained through our traditions to find the steps they must take to achieve greatness.


Pilots rely on the accuracy of their instruments to choose the safest route. Humans rely on the accuracy of their judgement to choose the path for their lives. Seek knowledge, wisdom, and experience to sharpen your mind’s instrument so that the road to your goals will prepare you for your destination. An investment in knowledge is the safest of life’s gambles. 

The Richest Man in Babylon: 7 Key Takeaways

The Richest man in Babylon is a classic read. Here’s the most important takeaways and how you can apply them to live your rich life.


Below is another book review installment from Rachel Stephens. Rachel is a 20-something financial analyst.

In the book billed as “the Bible of financial freedom,” George Clason shares a timeless set of principles in The Richest Man In Babylon. His goal, to provide insight to “those who are ambitious for financial success,” is achieved through simple storytelling.

Gold Coins

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As a series of short stories, the book teaches straightforward lessons that aim to show that the secrets to wealth building are unchanging and remain applicable throughout history. The common theme of the tales is that a person can work hard, learn from their mistakes, and become wealthy. While none of the concepts are likely to be earth-shattering for most readers, they encapsulate the fundamentals that are the basis to money management.

Despite titular connotations, The Richest Man In Babylon is not religious. That said, the book’s format and diction will likely feel familiar to any who have attended Sunday school. Similarly to Sunday school, while there are many great truths to be learned, it can also be difficult to stay awake at times. Another effect of framing the book this way is that the advice given comes across as “Biblical” and infallible. While I do believe that the book is full of sound principles and a strong basic framework, I also feel some of the details are debatable.

Ready to ditch debt, save money, and build real wealth? Download my FREE Ultimate Guide to Personal Finance.

The primary lesson comes from Arkad, the proclaimed richest man in Babylon. At the bequest of the King, Arkad shares his “seven cures to a lean purse” so that both individuals and society as a whole can reap the benefits of fiscal growth.

  1. Start thy purse to fattening. This point is actually the crux of the book: the classic principle of paying yourself first. Clason recommends saving at least 10% of all income earned. Even in his example of those who are paying off debt, he still advocates setting aside this one-tenth. If you want to save money for your future, you must begin by consistently setting aside part of your earnings today.
  2. Control thy expenditures. Essentially, this is learning to live within your means and avoiding lifestyle inflation.  Clason deems lifestyle inflation to be an ‘unusual truth’ of humanity and states, “what each of us calls our ‘necessary expenses’ will always grow to equal our incomes unless we protest to the contrary.”
  3. Make thy gold multiply. Your wealth should extend beyond your income. Put your money to work by making smart investments and taking advantage of time and compounding interest.
  4. Guard thy treasures from loss. Here, the book encourages the protection of principle from loss. It is easy to criticize this idea, as most of us feel that investment vehicles that have the potential to lose value, such as stocks, are essentials part of a balanced portfolio. If you take a bigger picture view, however, the lesson becomes more palatable. The penalty of risk is the potential of loss. Know your risk aversion and understand the risks in your portfolio.
  5. Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment. This is yet another debatable principle. Clason’s argument is that it makes more sense to make payments that will eventually become equity rather than giving money to a landlord. Rather than getting sucked into renting vs. owning debate, I will defer to a Scrooge Strategy tip and say “run the damn numbers” and see which method makes sense for you at this particular point in your life.
  6. Insure a future income. This boils down to retirement planning and insurance. Due to the fact that insurance didn’t exist in ancient Babylon, Clason really doesn’t dive into this point much at all.
  7. Increase thy ability to earn. Position yourself to make more money by improving your skills and making yourself more employable. Train yourself, go to classes, take jobs on the side; whatever you chose, set specific and measurable performance goals and start working to earn more money now.

The book’s other main lesson is the “five laws of gold” that Arkad teaches his son. The first three laws list ways to build wealth and are fairly repetitious with the above principles. Namely, the laws mandate paying yourself first, investing your money well, and making informed investment decisions.

Ready to ditch debt, save money, and build real wealth? Download my FREE <a data-iwtbox=”ug-finance”>Ultimate Guide to Personal Finance. </a>

The remaining two laws describe ways in which money and wealth will be lost. Specifically, it mentions avoiding investments with which we are unfamiliar, trying to seek ‘usurious’ returns, or trusting our ‘romantic desires in investment.’ Overly-complicated portfolios are likely to fail. Given all the Ponzi schemes that are surfacing these days, these lessons especially hit home right now. It is not the sexy investment strategies that win, for these are the investments that are often least understood and most risky.

The remainder of the book is peppered with lessons and insight. Choose wisdom over money. Borrow sensibly, as the unintelligent use of debt will undoubtedly become a later burden. Seek luck by working hard and accepting opportunity, not by waiting for one-off successes. And my personal favorite, “where the determination is, the way can be found.” Commit, follow through, and enjoy your successes.

The book can often feel simplistic and repetitive, but the advice about earning and savings are sound. By its nature, a book that is set in the days well before banks and organized markets is going to be sparse on details. This is not the book to read if you are looking for a how-to guide or specific techniques. Rather, this is a book that takes a theoretical approach to examining personal monetary policy.


Richest Man In Bablyon By George S. Clason Book Cover

At less than 100 pages, The Richest Man In Babylon is a quick read. This book would be an excellent choice for those who respond to qualitative motivation and storytelling. It would also be a particularly pertinent book for those that may feel overwhlemed by the all the recent market turmoil. If this book accomplishes anything, it demonstrates that the fundamental truths to wealth building are still applicable today.

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